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Geographical bibliography

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper describes subject bibliography for geography. Firstly the author deals with the history of geography that has made geographical and cartographic Bohemica accessible at first for the 20th and 21st century.

She also introduces the issues, methodology and solutions when creating this secondary source in the project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (2008-2011). She points out to the cooperative partnership of 20 libraries and institutions, to the full excerption of profile periodicals from the 1st volume.

Attaching full texts and other digital objects, mainly maps, was a significant enrichment of the database. License contracts with the editors and the heirs were concluded.

The users have e-book, certified methodology and, in particular, an extensive database at the disposal. The database could have been extended by the amount of Bohemical maps, atlases and graphics within another project TEMAP from the NAKI of the Ministry of culture (2011-2015).

The number of e-documents but also articles increased significantly. Geographical search within documents has been available since 2016.

Full text search is commonplace. The database contains a total of 214,000 bibliographic records and nearly 40,000 linked URL addresses and objects.

The results are also presented on a separate web pages and statistics presented there document also high attendance from abroad. Geographical bibliography is decidedly today the largest freely-accessible non-commercial subject bibliography in the world.