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Introducing prehospital ultrasound examination into daily practice of the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


EMS of Central Bohemian Region had introduced the board portable ultrasonography devices for use in daily practice in the prehospital emergency care. The devices used are compact ultrasonographs GE-VScan with dual sector/linear probe.

The devices were placed at EMS district stations. This article describes the scheme of training, possibilities of practical use for diagnostics and therapeutical procedures in EMS practice.

We use modified emergency protocols FATE, FEEL, BLUE and FAST. The author describes individual clinical training in hospitals under supervision of clinical specialists which is provided after initial traininng.

The first experience during 3 and half months's praktice since start of this project are also described. Based on the ultrasound examination therapeutical management had been changed in 5 cases and once the difficult i.v. ultrasound guided access was in the field.