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Analysis of mortality convergence on sub-national level: case study on Czechia from 1991 to 2010

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Analysis of convergence tendencies of various demographic processes becomes one of the most discussed issues nowadays. However, it is usually studied at the national level.

This paper, using mortality data, emphasizes the importance of such analysis also at the sub-national level. Specifically, we demonstrate this using data for Czechia.

General mortality trend in Czechia was one of the most favorable within the Central and Eastern Europe. However, not rapid enough to reach the Western European countries.

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze regional inequalities of mortality in Czechia in the period 1991 to 2010 and briefly present the possible methods of convergence analysis at the sub-national level. The examined years represent a period of post-revolutionary rapid development with relatively stable mortality improvements.

The first part of the analysis is focused on descriptive statistics and visualizations of inequalities. After that, the measures taking into account the population weights are performed.

Although Czechia is often considered a relatively homogeneous country according to many characteristics, the results indicate no clear mortality convergence of the districts. On the contrary, the male mortality divergence was proved.

Inter alia, the results might play an important role for regional population and mortality forecasts.