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Home-schooling - an Opportunity for Children with Specific Educational Needs: a case study of a pupil with dyslexia

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Home (individual) schooling is an alternative form of education which is possible in the Czech system of education from the age of 6 to 15 (compulsory school attendance). Home schooling provides the space for individualization of education in cases when it is needed.

The paper presents experience with individual education of a special needs boy (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, undecided laterality, specific learning disabilities) combined with above average IQ. The focus of the paper is on the period of individual practice of reading and writing.

The paper describes in detail the boy's difficulties when acquiring reading literacy and learning to write. It also describes the methods by which the mother managed to teach her son to read and write.

The paper then briefly describes the boy's trajectory through the system of education: his studies until upper secondary school-leaving exam, university studies and start of professional career. The case study shows that home schooling may be very beneficial for special needs learners.