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Monitoring of landslide activity by synergic use of X-band, C-band and L-band InSAR in the České Středohoří Mts., Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Neovolcanic range of the České Středohoří Mts. in northwestern Czech Republic represents the region with susceptibility to various types of landslides. Evaluation of landslide activity using InSAR can reveal valuable information both in spatial and temporal scale.

On the other hand, we cannot obtain full spatial information in hilly terrain of České Středohoří Mts., another limit is the presence of dense vegetation. Two approaches are applied in our research.

Firstly, we would like to delimit an area of few hundreds of square kilometers and to process as much as possible of SAR images using multitemporal InSAR techniques (PSI, Quasi-PS, SBAS) to acquire of spatiotemporal distribution of possible active landslides. Secondly, for selected localities we want to process only SAR images with suitable dates of their origin (following the dates of known landslide activity, dates of in-situ monitoring etc.) using X-band, C-band and L-band SAR data.