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Geomorphological and sedimentary evidence of probable glaciation in the Jizerské hory Mountains, Central Europe

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta |

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The Jizerské hory Mountains in the Czech Republic have traditionally been considered to be a highland that lay beyond the limits of Quaternary glaciations. Recent work on cirque-like valley heads in the central part of the range has shown that niche glaciers could form during the Quaternary.

Here we report geomorphological and sedimentary evidence for a small glacier in the Pytlácká jáma Hollow that represents one of the most-enclosed valley heads within the range. Shape and size characteristics of this landform indicate that the hollow is a glacial cirque at a degraded stage of development.

Boulder accumulations at the downslope side of the hollow probably represent a relic of terminal moraines, and the grain size distribution of clasts togetherwith micromorphology of quartz grains fromthe hollowindicate the glacial environment of a small glacier. This glacier represents the lowermost located such systemin central Europe and provides evidence for the presence of niche or small cirque glaciers probably during pre-Weichselian glacial periods.

The glaciation limit (1000 m asl) and paleo-ELA (900 m asl) proposed for the Jizerské hory Mountains implies that central European ranges lower than 1100 m asl were probably glaciated during the Quaternary.