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Methodology for prevention of residential segregation and support for integration of foreigners in areas of concentration of migrant workers



The methodology identifies the main barriers and opportunities for local integration of population in localities threatened by segregation and provides guidance for the design of objectives and measures for the prevention and mitigation of social exclusion and segregation and support for social inclusion and integration into local society. The analysis of the locality is focused on (1) the physical and functional environment, (2) the character of the population and its social status, (3) processes of everyday interaction and coexistence between residents of locality and the majority population living in the vicinity and (4) the institutional framework affecting the habitat, its population and the processes of segregation and integration. The aims of interventions are defined for each of the four dimensions affecting segregation and integration (physical and functional environment, population and their social status, interaction and coexistence and institutional framework) in relation to identified barriers and potentials which are important for integration and segregation in the locality. Subsequently, detailed measures are proposed for each objective to achieve its goals.