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Physiological and sociocultural interplay in the development of emotion regulation

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Development of emotion regulation during ontogenesisis an interesting process. This paper focuses on selected physiological, psychologicaland socio-cultural variables, which are mirrored in the development of emotion regulation.

We argue that emotion regulation is a process strongly bound in biological substrate (e. g. Vagal tone, RSA), and determined by physiological and cognitive development (changes in reactivity, affective balance, or cognitive stages).

The authors discuss the question of temperamental stability in discrete stages of development. The paper focuses on the psychological variables and how changes in the emotion regulation may indicate the optimal development and progress in the cognitive competencies of individuals, as well as how increasing cognitive skills can translate into implicit and explicit emotion regulation strategies.

In the last section, the paper focuses on socio-cultural determinants of emotion regulation, in which it is assumed that every culture supports its members in experiencing certain emotions that in the course of history proved to be advantageous and increase chances of survival.