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"Lesson Study" in Czech Conditions: How teachers see their participation and what kind of influence it has on their perception of didactic-mathematical phenomena

Publication at Faculty of Education |


he aim of the article is to introduce into Czech conditions what is known as the "lesson study" as a specific form of further education of teachers based on co-operation between teachers in the improvement of the quality of teaching by means of planning, realisation and assessment of an experimental lesson. Lesson study has features in common with action research and a connection with the concepts of skilled reflection and evolving teacher observation.

Apart from the description of the concrete realisation of lesson study the article considers the question of what influence it had on the participating teachers (n = 13) from the point of view of their subjective view and that of the perception of didactic-mathematical phenomena. The data includes written answers to questions requiring critical reflection and records of discussion.

This was analysed using techniques based on anchored theory and with the use of an existing system of categories. The teachers considered work in lesson study to be meaningful and subjectively perceived that there had been an advance in their ability to critically reflect on the teaching of mathematics.

The analysis of the reflective tasks did not show an advance in the perception of didactic-mathematical tasks. Differences were found in the depth of individual and group reflection on the teaching situation.

At the end, the article sets out some of the requirements for, and some of the barriers against the spread of lesson study in this country.