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Elementary algorithmic outlines and their expression

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper deals with the defining of elementary algorithmic structures and their relationship to teaching needs in information technology from the perspective of the need to formulate a language adequate to the programming languages, respectively. towards algorithmic task solving. The reason is a requirement of clarity in the formulation of ideas through the translation of Czech (native) language into programming, but also improving the quality of human communication in expressing any practices in everyday life, which are generally algorithmic nature.

Content is oriented to a description of basic algorithmic structures in relation to their formulations, putting relations with the needs of education in the field of information and communication technologies in education, especially at the elementary schools, grammar schools and secondary schools focusing on informatics. The need to address algorithmizations not only to programmers is fundamentally emphasized in the document of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports "Strategy for Digital Education in 2020", prepared on the basis of government policy documents (MŠMT, 2015, and generally also the MŠMT, 2014), which emphasizes the need for creative algorithmic approach in education, even from pre-school level.

The purpose of the study is to describe the educational needs of methods for teaching and learning algorithms associated with good use of the Czech language to properly complement the role of the teachers of Czech language and teachers of information and communication technologies.