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Single-dot spectroscopy of boron and phosphorus codoped silicon quantum dots

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Boron (B) and phosphorous (P) codoped silicon quantum dots (Si QDs) are dispersible in polar solvents without organic ligands, and exhibit size controllable photoluminescence (PL) from 0.85 to 1.85 eV due to the electronic transitions between the donor and the acceptor states. We study the PL spectra of the codoped Si QDs at room temperature and at 77 K.

We show that the broad PL band of codoped colloidal Si QDs (full width at half maximum is over 400 meV) is composed of narrower PL bands of individual QDs with different PL energies. We also show that the PL linewidth of individual codoped Si QDs is almost twice as large as those of undoped Si QDs.

In contrast to the significant narrowing of the PL linewidth of undoped Si QDs at low temperatures, that of codoped Si QDs is almost independent of the temperature except for a few very small QDs. These results suggest that a large number of B and P are doped in a QD and there are a number of non-identical luminescence centers in each QD.

Published by AIP Publishing.