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Economic aspects of screening for thyroid diseases in pregnancy and in women with impaired fertility



The dissertation discusses the problem of the effectiveness and economical aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disorders in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The incidence of thyroid diseases in pregnancy in the Czech Republic reaches 10-15%.

Emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment is laid not only during pregnancy but also in the time preceding conception due to the impact of thyroid diseases on fertility, the course of pregnancy, birth and foetal development. The dissertation consists of four published studies.

The conclusion is dedicated to relationship between clinical and laboratory characteristic of thyroid screening and risk of thyroid disease in pregnancy; to relationship between age in pregnant women and the probability of a positive thyroid screening results; to clinical and cost effectiveness of thyroid check-up in the third trimester of gestation in women treated with levothyroxine; and to clinical and cost effectiveness of thyroid screening in women after spontaneous abortion with regard to their reproductive health.