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Inactivation of dermatophyte infection by nonthermal plasma on animal model

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


We attempted to verify the artificial infection of the guinea pigs skin caused by dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes SK 3286 may be improved and shortened by exposure to low-temperature plasma produced by the direct current cometary discharge with inserted grid. The electrodes are arranged at an angle of 30o, their tips are 5-7 mm apart and the tip of the positive electrode.

Under the current between 50-100 μA, the discharge resembling a comet's tail appears between the electrodes. Experimental study was performed in guinea pigs strain Dunkin Hartley, both sex.

It was verified that exposure to the low-temperature plasma causes no damage to experimental animals. The dermatophytic infection was a week shorter and milder in animals treated by plasma than that in non-treated animals.

The significant lowering of dermatophytic germs also occurred in the treated group. These results give a chance for the elaboration of a scheme for the therapy of dermatophytosis by low-temperature plasma treatment.