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Methodology for using of the system SGI1



The methodology deals with an instalation and use of a rock massiť's long-term monitoring system (via geophysical methods). The system can be used for implementation of mining works, e.g. deep geological repositories, tunnel constructions etc.

The system uses geoelectrical and seismic properties of a rock massif. It offers long-term monitoring of these property changes in close vicinity of a mining work.

The monitoring can be placed either in the underground galleries or on the surface as well, technically wherever one can expect possible rock environrnent"s reaction to state of stress change. Unlike currently used systems this one newly introduces a joint inversion of geoelectrical and se1sm1c monitoring rn hard rock environrnents, 1.e. environrnent with extremely high apparent resitivities (ten of thousand ohm).

We use a new approach of sesismic tomography - by producing seismic wave and registering them right on the rock massiť's surface. The system is equipped with an online data transmission module and allows remote configuration, including reprogramming.