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The Road toward Soviet Nation : Nationality Policy of Belarussization, 1924-1929

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The books inquires into the soviet nationalities policy of belarussization taking place in 1924 through 1929 in the territory of the Belarussian Soviet Socialistic Republic. It present the first comprehensive synthetic work describing Belarussian nationalities policy of the inter-war period.

The belarussization policy involved intensive elaboration of the Belarussian language (its codification, intellectualization, creation of technical terminologies, etc.) and its promotion in the public sphere. Belarussian language penetrated public school system and state administration.

Simultaneously, the policy of so-called korenizatsiya was being implemented, aiming at active elevation of ethical Belarusians to high offices in state administration, in party organization, and also in the education system. Policy of korenizatsiya was supposed to stimulate completion of the social pyramid of the Belarussian nation and to contribute to the gradual formation of Belarussian national elites.

The book analyzes processes of belarussization and of its implementation in state administration, in public schools, and in the army. Particular attention is paid to reactions and feedback of local population (urban as well as rural population, and also of population of various social strata) to the nationalities policy.

The analytical part of the book is accompanied by theoretical conclusions.