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Master John Huss - the Ideal in post-ideological era

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


In this contribution the author thinks about the acute question how to stimulate an interest in the story and especially the Message of Master John Huss nowadays. He recognizes the basic problem in the spirit of the time, when old ideologies are destroyed, which is often positive thing, but at the same time, the ideals are doubted and even mocked, Coming to terms with the past is a way to self-understanding.

Correction of a warped relationship to the past is way to correct the present time. That way is particularly hard one not only from intellectual perspective, but also from the spiritual point of view, since it is specific form of the Gospel turn.

However, the 600th anniversary of John Huss's death calls for the deeper spiritual meaning of celebration and our participation in them. Even though that the way seems to by doomed to failure in advance, the Gospel assures us that only this arduous course bears fruits that will last.