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The observatory in Senftenberg (Bohemia), built by John Parish (1774-1858) after his exodus from Altona

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


John Parish, English businessman and banker in Hamburg, married Catherina Birney (1814), purchased two properties in Bohemia and moved to the Castle of Senftenberg (1815). After end of his business carrier he devoted himself to astronomy more than before; he continued the contacts with H.

C. Schumacher and A.

C. Petersen from Altona and newly also with K.

Kreil, the director of the Prague Observatory. An observatory was built in garden near the castle and its equipment reached the level of European observatories of the second rank.

Observations together with Paul Hackel and Theodor Brorsen from Denmark were published in the journal Astronomische Nachrichten. Enthusiasm for science is clearly seen in diaries, calendars and notebooks of John Parish who was also elected to the honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Unfortunately the observatory existed only in 1846-1859, the heir let demolish the building. John Parish and his family members found their last quiet place at the nearby forest cemetery, the heirs sold the property in 2004 and the observatory is mentioned only on commemorative plaques.