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Sports as a subject matter in contemporary Czech drama (What kind of Czech does, e.g. "Jaromír Jágr, the guy from Kladno" in the play by Petr Kolečko speak?)

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Arts |


Theater and radio plays and productions with sports as their subject matter offer a new thematic area in the history of Czech drama and theater. The authors of these texts are above all Petr Kolečko and David Drábek.

They select primarily popular sports (football, hockey, tennis, skiing, track and field) and their world-famous representatives (J. Jágr, R.

Federer, R. Nadal, H.

Fibingerová). The dramatic picture of sports and of athletes is not one of adoration, but rather, a critical one bordering on caricature.

The language of athletes, fans, and functionaries (see for example the text by P. Čtvrtníček entitled "Ivánku, kamaráde, můžeš mluvit?" [Ivánek, my friend, can you talk?]) is full of non-standard expressions, Common Czech and sports slang, as well as expressives and vulgarisms.