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Manuscript fragments of the National Museum Library : shelf marks 1 D, 1 E and 1 G

Publication at Faculty of Arts, Protestant Theological Faculty |


The catalogue continues the scientific treatment of the so-called basic series of the collection of fragments in the National Museum Library in Prague. It contains descriptions of seven shelf-mark sections, each of which is complemented by an introduction with more detailed characteristics of the collection.

Shelf marks 1 D a and 1 E c comprise mostly medieval Latin-language fragments. The section 1 D b mainly consists of modern Czech-language fragments.

The specific shelf mark 1 D c is one of the few that have remained homogeneous and contains fragments written in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic scripts. The section 1 E a has been established for medieval German fragments.

Shelf mark 1 E b comprises especially completely preserved manuscripts of a small extent associated with the activities of the Unity of Brethren and Polish Protestants, which, strictly speaking, do not correspond to the definition of a fragment. Shelf mark 1 G includes mainly documents of less usual form or language.

Its major part comprises Hebrew fragments.