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18F-FDG-PET/MRI in children with Hodgkin's disease

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Aim: To evaluate the feasibility of the staging and restaging imaging of children suffering from Hodgkins disease 18F-FDG-PET/MRI. Method: In 12 children in the age 8 to 15 years with proven diagnosis of Hodgkins disease, 26 procedures were performed using the integrated PET/MRI.

The dosing of 2 MBq of 18F-FDG per kilogram of body weight was used. The whole-body or whole trunk imaging was used using Tl VIBE Dixon two-point, TIRM T2 STIR and DWI after application of gadolinium contrast agent.

The data acquisition lasts 4 minutes in each position. All examinations were performed without need of the general anaesthesia.

The imaging evaluation was driven in the intentions of the WHO Hodgkin's disease staging or during interim examinations using the Deauville score system. Results: All examinations were evaluated as adequate from the point of view of diagnostic quality of examination, the applied radiopharmaceutical activity varied between 45 to 151 MBq.

The coupled staging and interim examinations were performed in 9 children, in three children classified as score 4 or 5 according Deauville schema, the additional follow-up study was added to complete the therapy response imaging. Conclusion: Hybrid imaging 18F-FDG-PET/MRI with low 18F-FDG-dosing reaches the optimal diagnostic quality in the assessment of the staging and also restaging of the.