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Gender in text and imagery. Vision, utopia, mask, dream and fantasy

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The book presents a collection of gender analysis uncovering complicated ways in which androcentric values are masked in various forms of culture representations, whether they are representations of film or photographic or journalistic, literary and mythological. The emphasis is placed primarily on the construction of gender identities here crossed/combined with other social categories such as class, ethnic or religion, but also, for example, bodily otherness, age and/or health condition.

Individual chapters then describe consequences which this often revealed double standard has for symbolic appraisal of various human identities in the lived reality. Gender used as an analytical category allows to unmask the ways of constructing social and cultural meanings that are determined by the hierarchical structure of power and often legitimize various discriminatory practices, whether they take place in the symbolic level (in representations) or as an everyday experienced social exclusion.