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Vocal chord prosthesis and method of tuning such vocal chord prosthesis



The present invention relates to an artificial vocal chord (1), which is a two-part vocal chord and the parts thereof are slidably mounted in cross direction in opposite walls of a guide frame (5) while in longitudinal direction they are attached to one side of the guide frame (5) attachment wall (9) and to an adjustment frame (6) attachment wall (9) on the opposite side, whereby the inner space (4) of the artificial vocal chord (1) is connected to a pressure liquid source. The invention further relates to a method of tuning such vocal chord prosthesis, which tuning method is characterized in that there is determined a base frequency of a human vocal chord, and based thereon there is created a base prestress of the artificial vocal cord by adjusting the distance of the guide frames (5) and the adjustment frames (6) encompassing the artificial vocal chord.

Subsequently, there are changes vibration characteristics of the artificial vocal chord by the change in a liquid pressure in the artificial vocal chord. The changes are monitored and compared with required vibration characteristics for a human vocal chord until details of the compared vibration characteristics of both the artificial and human vocal chords are obtained.