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State of the art of neonatal hypoglycemia

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Hypoglycemia in newborns, despite beeing most common metabolic complication, is not exactly defined value. Universally adopted treshold of 2,5 mmol/l is without scientific justification.

Nevertheless it should be safe concerning long term neurodevelopment outcome. The treshold of 2,5 mmol/l is used as well in most guidelines throughout the world.

We are going to present most cited papers shortly. Hypoglycemia in newborns has a wide variety of non-specific symptoms and could be also completely asymptomatic.

These asymptomatic hypoglycemias may be overlooked even when using the most vigorous glucose sampling by bed-side tester. Continous glucose monitoring systems offer live and reliable insight to glucose homeostasis.

It does enhance our diagnostic and terapeutic possibilites in newborns at risk of hypoglycemia.