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Manuscripts from Nag Hammadi 4. Codex VI/3, Codex VII/2 and 5; Codex VIII/2; Codex XIII/1

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Faculty of Arts |


The fourth book of the series Rukopisy z Nag Hammádí (Manuscripts from Nag Hammadi) offers Czech translations and scholarly commentaries of five different texts from four codices of the so-called Nag Hammadi library: the treatise Authentikos Logos (VI,3), using a specific methaphorical language, deals with the heavenly origin of the soul, her earthly dwelling and final return to the heavenly Father. The Letter of Peter to Philip (NHC VIII,2) is a revelation dialogue between risen Jesus and his disciples.

The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (VII,2) polemicize from the Gnostic point of view with the interpretation of Jesus' suffering of the majority Church. The treatise Three Steles of Seth (VII, 7), assigned to the Sethian Gnosis, contains three hymns, celebrating the three aspects of Gnostic Divine trinity.

Trimorphic Protennoia (NHC XIII,1), also Sethian work, presents the self-revealing speech of Gnostic divine character called First Thought. The book is provided with a detailed papyrological and codicological analysis of the given codices and with several registers.