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Experiments for Interactive Physics Laboratory: experiments and theory



The present doctoral thesis is concerned with practical work of students in physics education. More specifically, it focuses on preparation and implementation of practical seminars for high school students in the Interactive Physics Laboratory at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.

The thesis describes practical work as one of the teaching methods with a focus on its goals, effectiveness and different types of assignment. Furthermore, the concept of the Interactive Physics Laboratory based also on Czech teachers' opinions gained from a small-scale survey is described.

The main part of the thesis consists of activities organized into four topics suitable for the Interactive Physics Laboratory. The topics were processed both theoretically and experimentally and all prepared activities were tested on high school students.

The current thesis describes the outcomes of two surveys that concentrated on students' and teachers' opinions. Data were collected using questionnaires.

One survey focused on students' subjective experience with activities done in the Interactive Physics Laboratory. Teachers were asked to evaluate activities offered in the Interactive Physics Laboratory.

All materials developed for the Interactive Physics Laboratory as well as all questionnaires are enclosed in Appendices.