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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty in the Light of the Newly Proposed Dispute Settlement System

Publication at Faculty of Law |


A series of trade negotiations have lately been ca- rried out between the European Union ("EU") and the Unites States ("US"). These efforts having resulted in the so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Part- nership agreement ("TTIP") were aimed to disperse the biggest regulatory barriers to trade for corporati- ons.

The forthcoming potential is for sure huge since the EU and the US market comprises of almost billion prospective customers. The bulk outreach on the other hand brings about many controversies since stakes are high and the deal blends up many diverging interests.

Even though the secret negotiations had ensued in a proposal that was finally disclosed on November 2015, the negotiations have since been stalled. Regar- dless the disclosed proposal, there are hints suggesting the final version thereof could differ to a great extent.