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Electronic version of the qol-grav specific questionnaire

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


This study presents the problems of online assessment of the specific quality of life for which the electronic form of questionnaire has not been used so far, namely the quality of life of women during pregnancy. The aim was a pilot investigation to verify the electronic version of the specific questionnaire QOL-GRAV, furthermore to determine in the electronic version the effect of selected demographic variables on the quality of life of pregnant women and to identify possible problems associated with the version online.

Methods: As a method for assessment the quality of life in pregnancy we used our specific questionnaire QOL-GRAV containing 9 items. In the study, 51 women with physiological pregnancy were involved.

Results: The electronic version of the QOL-GRAV questionnaire has high reliability, internal consistency coefficient Cronbach's alpha is 0.81. Correlations of individual items of the QOL- GRAV questionnaire were calculated, intercorrelation relations vary with the values of the Pearson correlation coefficient from 0.53 to 0.076.

The influence of demographic variables was investigated as well. A statistically significant relationship was found in relation to gestational age, occupation, and marital status.

Conclusions: The electronic version of the specific QOL- GRAV questionnaire meets demands for individual approach to care for the pregnant woman, and the collected data can serve as a basis for research purposes. The questionnaire allows fast and easy detecting problems that can affect the course of pregnancy, and may help reveal not only somatic problems, but problems in the psychosocial field as well.