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First cases of Zika virus infection diagnosed in the Czech Republic

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Zika virus, a flavivirus, is the cause of an Aedes mosquito-borne arbovirosis. The infection usually has a mild course with the following symptoms: elevated temperature or fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, conjunctivitis, and maculopapular rash.

Infection during pregnancy poses a high risk as it is associated with potential developmental damage to the fetus. The diagnosis is based on serology and direct detection of the virus by RTPCR.

Active transmission of Zika virus has been reported in a number of countries of Latin America, the Pacific, Southeast Asia, and Cape Verde Islands. The first cases of Zika virus infection were imported to the Czech Republic in February 2016.

All patients reported travel to Latin America. All of them had an uncomplicated course and did not require admission to hospital.