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Use a dog as a means of activation of seniors and influence on various aspects of aging

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Abstract: The aging process in the body is accompanied by many changes at the structural level (organ), in function (reduced performance, adaptability, recognition abilities and coordination of functioning of various body systems) and at the social level (decrease in social interactions, moving to social welfare facilities, hospitalization). These are the factors that have a significantly negative impact on the quality of life of seniors.

Interaction with animals and activities with them (here, specifically a dog) can usefully contribute to the activation of seniors and to the improvement of their quality of life, whether it is an animal that occurs in the specialized facility or a pet. Our objective is to summarize results of studies assessing the impact of the ownership of the animal (dog) and using it in various activities and therapy on the amount of regular activity, mental condition and various aspects of aging.

We will also present our experience of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) in the Central Military Hospital. In AAT and in animal assisted activity (AAA) features are used that are designed to support the fine and gross motor skills (commands to throw, catch, touching animals and care for them), cognitive training (involvement of elements of training of attention and memory, communication support), mental state and socialization (establishment of contact with the animal, communication with 114 AAA/AAT therapist).

An analysis of the available scientific studies has confirmed that the use of dogs in the context of animal-assisted therapy in the older persons has a positive effect on a number of issues associated with aging. Contact with a dog increases physical activity, reduces feelings of loneliness and supports communication.