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A Model of Problem Tasks in Chemistry for Educational Standards Validation

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Five years after installing Framework educational program for elementary education into the Czech educational system a need to concretise its expected outcomes arose. Standards created with this purpose contained examples of problem tasks for the expected outcome evaluation (see Rusek, 2014).

Later, the example tasks were appended within Methodical comments to the educational standards. This paper describes a model of validation of these tasks.

They were created on three difficulty levels (minimal, optimal and excellent) for each of the chosen expected outcomes. So far, they were created and piloted for eight expected outcomes of chemistry subject matter.

Validating the tasks triplets proved inefficient as some information asked for in one task was used in an introductory text for another task, etc. Therefore, the tasks have been divided into tests.

Each test consisted of three tasks from different fields creating a test with similar difficulty. These were sent to 3 elementary schools and 2 grammar schools (grade 9).

The students (N=166) filled the tests as well as a short questionnaire about their attitude towards the tasks. The results suggest the students' success in tasks solving does not depend only on the level of task difficulty (mental operations) - not all the students solve the minimum-level tasks.

The students' success in the tasks solving correlates with their mark from Chemistry. Also, grammar school students were more successful than elementary school students.

Rusek, M. (2014). Standardy základního vzdělávání pro výuku chemie.

Pedagogika, 64(4), 422-428.