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The Promised Land, the Accursed Land: Images of the U.S.A. in Czech Literature

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The monograph covers the specific material of the representations of the U.S.A. in Czech literature. It covers all the genre spectrum from highly fictional discourses (novels) to representations with strong mimetic aspect (travelogues, reportages, journalistic genres).

The material has been explored chronologically, with focus on both the invariant and the specific. All the material is approched from the point of its literary status, reflecting these images as parts of a more complex structure of the whole literary text.

Next to the complex material account of all the important and influencial verbal images of the U.S.A. from the early 19th century to 2008, the book pays attention also to the methodological issues, analysing the assumed authenticity of such representations and the conceptual frames that allow the exploration of such a material.