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Center and periphery of the category of diminutivity : Probe into the parallel Czech-Slovak corpus

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The research of the category of diminutivity should be comprehensive and should include a description of the point of view of derivatology, lexicology, as well as a morphological, stylistic and pragmatic description. These aspects must also be maintained in comparative analyses.

The category of diminutivity is seemingly quite transparent, and its status is clear, but a closer examination reveals that in the descriptions so far published there can be found not entirely uniform views on the content and structure, that the classification is different, that there are no uniform views on the semantic aspect of diminutives, that the functional aspect of the category remains largely unexplored. These aspects lead to new considerations, which can now be based on corpus analysis.

In this article, we will try to add a further comparative aspect, which is the second methodological process that could refine ideas about this category. The ideal source material here seems to be the parallel corpus, namely the Czech-Slovak comparisons with all the limitations that result from the current state of subcorpus.