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Czech Diglossia in the Language Awareness and in the Speech of Native Speakers of Russian Speaking Czech

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The objective of this paper is to describe which form of Czech is used by various native speakers of Russian speaking Czech (NRSC) in their everyday communication, i.e. either standard or substandard Czech, and to describe the substandard Czech that they use. The initial hypothesis is, firstly, that the NRSC are able to perceive the diglossia in the Czech language situation and, secondly, that they use the form of Czech which is referred to as Common Czech (CC).

This description focuses on the usage of selected typical features of CC, the subject matter of the research is not aimed at providing an overall evaluation of oral competence of NRSC in Czech. The second objective of the research is to analyse language awareness of the NRSC and their attitude to using Common Czech, as well as their ability to identify its typical features.

This paper examines the influence of socio-linguistic factors (age, length of stay, attitude to using sub-standard language, the intensity of L2 in communication, motivation to learn Czech, the objective of learning Czech) and the influence of linguistic factors (salience, frequency, interference).