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Czech rhetoric and stylístics in the mid-19th' century: Style, stylistics and rhetoric in the works of J. Jungmann and F. M. Klácel

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article summarizes briefly the complicated situation of classical rhetoric in the 1st half of the 19th century, its relations to other disciplines dealing with language and texts, both old (poetics, philosophy...) and new (stylistics, literary history...), and the transformations of the notion of style. On this background, two prominent Czech approaches to rhetoric, stylistics and style are analyzed and compared, namely 2nd edition of J.

Jungmann's Slovesnost (1845) and F. M.

Klácel's Počátky vědecké mluvnictví českého (1843). While Jungmann calls the discipline he deals with "eloquence" and thus deliberately sticks to the classical rhetorical framework, to which aesthetic categories are subordinated, Klácel stresses the essential individuality of style and builds his approach on the foundations of Hegel's philosophy.