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Occurrence of glottalization in semi-spontaneous read expressions in Czech

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The research describes intra- and inter-personal variability in the use of glottalization in the position in front of a vowel with respect to non-linguistic factors (degree of preparation of text, level of publicity, style of speech, etc.) and linguistic factors (position within an intonational phrase and the degree of disjuncture, segmental context, etc.). It takes into account the sex and the regional origin of the informant (first of all on the level of distinction Bohemia vs Moravia and Silesia).

The results obtained indicate that in the analysed read and semi-prepared expressions of students from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, in the initial position of the word glottalization occurs with a high frequency, both in the initial and the medial position of the intonational phrase, regardless of whether the combination is vowel - vowel or consonant - vowel. Almost without exception, glottalization was pronounced in combination with non-syllable prepositions and one-syllable prepositions.

Greater variability occurs in combinations within words.