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To define learning outcomes in nursing

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1566/5000 The paper deals with the competencies of mentors clinical nursing practice that necessary for the formation and development of a set of core knowledge and skills required to Successful execution of this role. For the purpose of this paper is to focus on important context in assessing the competence and performance evaluation of teachers, in conjunction with the implementation of the EQF in tertiary education institutions, where learning outcomes are characteristic orientation to the student.

Following the presentation custom quantitative research, which was conducted by self-evaluation questionnaire survey of 71 respondents - graduates certified course at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Motol and in 38 respondents who completed a certified course in other accredited devices. In the area of knowledge and skills brought positive self-evaluation mentors results.

Mentors feel well prepared to perform their roles and knowledge required and skills are applied in practice. They were also found differences in the approach to implementation Certified courses that promote either teaching or mentoring model supporting mentoring model.

The paper also contains selected results of the questionnaire investigations, which can become an empirical basis for a broader debate about the concept Mentoring in the Czech Republic, to adjust relationships and skills associated with mentoring in nursing and also well for further improvement of educational programs only certified courses. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the necessity of outputs learning, which arises from the considerable variability certified courses.