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The Red Angels. The History of Mountain Rescue in the Czech Lands

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The monograph focuses on the history of Mountain Rescue in the Czech Lands from the spontaneous rescue in the 19th century, culminating with the tragedy of Hanč and Vrbata in 1913, until the foundation of organized Mountain Rescue in May 1935. After the World War II, the mountain search and rescue activities expanded from the Giant Mountains to other Czech and Moravian mountains.

Thus, the development of Mountain Rescue in Jeseníky Mountains, Bohemian Forest, Orlické Mountains, Beskids, Jizera Mountains and Ore Mountains are also recorded. The book then follows the history of Mountain Rescue in the Czech Lands to the present.

The study also concentrates on the development of the rescue techniques and methods and how they manifested itself in particular stages of the mountain rescue development, or on the issue of avalanche risk research.