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Delirias in old age

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Delirias in senium represent very serious problem, which is for ever underestimated. Delirias worsen the quality of life and increase the mortality.

They originate by interplay between non-modifiably (predispositional) factors (age, genetic predispositions, cognitive disorder and other) and modifiable (precipitation) factors (dehydratation, metabolic disorders, inflammation, toxic factors and other). There are discussed the different theories of origin of delirias and also the possibilities of their prevention and therapy.

There are first of all the hypothesis of inflammation, neuronal ageing, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter hypothesis, neuroendocrine hypohesis, the hypothesis of diurnal (melatonine) dysregulation and the hypothesis of neuronal network dysconectivity. There are discussed also the therapeutic approaches in old age.