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Czech Initiative for Asthma (ČIPA) and the world

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The Czech Initiative for Asthma (ČIPA) was created as a reactio n to the establishing of the Global initiative for asthma (GINA ) in March, 1996. Since then, ČIPA has actively participated in many Europe an and global activities with regard to implementation of moder n principles of asthma care. ČIPA has always had close contacts not only wit h the GINA but also with the European scientific societies, suc h as the Euro- pean Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Academy of Alle rgy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). ČIPA is also an active mem ber of the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Pati ents' Associations. ČIPA has organized several international me etings, such as the International Pediatric Respiratory and Allergy Congress or a joint meeting of the pediatric sections of the ERS and EA ACI. ČIPA is also represented in the international advisory board of the GIN A and actively participates in the process of preparation and i mplementation of international guidelines for asthma managemen