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The respiratory exercises and their influence on persons with spinal cord injury

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Thispilotstudydeterminedtheeffectofrespiratoryexercisesinpersonswithspinalcordinjury(SCI) through the intervention - the complex of respiratory exercises. The basics of respiratory gymnastics, yogarespiratoryexercisesandmuscletrainingwereusedtocreatethecomplexofrespiratoryexercises.

Thesampleconsistedof15participantswithSCI;theinterventionprogramhaslastedforfivemonths, five times a week, 20-30 min. a day. The study was focused on respiratory rate, thorax expansion, determinationofforcedvitalcapacity(FVC)andforcedexpiratoryvolumeduringfirstsecond(FEV1) andconsistedasurveyaswell.PretestvaluesshowedthattheratioofFEV1/FVCinpeoplewithSCI was normal in comparison with values in able population.

The value of FVC was lower, in tetraplegic participants about 50-70 % compared to the values of able population and in paraplegics about 20 %. RespiratoryratewashigherinallpersonswithSCI-between16to26inspirations/min.;measurement of thorax expansion showed limitations of thorax expansion related to normal rates according to the same age and sex.

All measurements were repeated in five months. The value of FVC has increased of 2.22 %, the value of FEV1 has increased of 2.34 %, value of respiratory rate has decreased of 13.12 %, thorax-line has increased of 0.82 % at rest, has increased of 2.62 % in inspiration and has decreased of 1.05 % in expiration.

The survey collected positive results - participants reported that respiratoryexercisesleadtobetterbreathingandtopaineliminationoftheinternalorgans;theywere feeling muscle relaxed, esp. in the cervical part and in the shoulder area. This study confirmed that respiratory exercises have a significant positive effect on patients with SCI and respiratory disorders occurringtopeoplewithSCI,objectivelyandsubjectivelyaswell.Thestudywasaccomplishedthanks to Paraple Center.