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The assessment of the current PV modules recycling fee: The Czech Republic case study

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The Czech Republic has approximately 2124 MWp of photovoltaic installed power capacity. The estimated lifetime of the modules is 20-30 years.

After the end of their lifetime and decommissioning, the photovoltaic modules become hazardous waste. It is necessary to dispose of it in compliance with the legislative requirements.

Due to the concern of the government and municipalities that the power plants owners and operators will not disassembly their facilities properly at their own costs at the end of their lifetime, the government has enacted a system for financing the disposal of power plants that were connected to the grid before 2013. The paper focuses on assessment of the current recycling fee analysing the recycling costs and revenues from the secondary raw materials sales and reflection on its critical points of current state with respect to the risks and real costs of the recycling system.

Based on current market prices and their prediction the optimal disposal is CZK 5.2-7.8/kg. The potential risks and uncertainties are included.