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Treasures of the Barbarians - The World of the Living and the Dead of the Migration Period



The exhibition turns us into the turbulent epoch of the Migration Period, when under the press of the Huns the various Germanic, Sarmatic and other tribes in a domino effect were set in motion and some of them reached the end of that time known world - the northern Africa. The Czech Republic was dominated by the Vinařice group in the West and by Middle Danube culture in the East.

The exhibition presented all the most important sites of the period, i.e. the cemetery of Prague-Zličín, graves of Měcholpupy, Bříza, Blučina, Žuráň, etc. The exhibition represented a continuation of the successful project "Barbarian graves", to which connected publication was awarded in competition Gloria Musaealis as a best book of the year 2015.