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Frozen platelets in clinical praxis: comparative study of native platelets

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Platelets stored at 20-24 oC have a short shelf life. This complicates the logistics of production, distribution and access when required for clinical use.

This limitation is especially problematic for emergency and intensive care departments managing massive bleeding. The early and aggressive use of blood products for massive haemorrhage may correct coagulopathy, control bleeding, and improve outcomes.

The timely availability of platelets as part of a massive transfusion protocol within the first "golden hour" after the injury is often problematic. Many hospitals cannot afford to have platelets permanently in stock because of the short shelf life and high price.

An alternative solution is a stock of frozen platelets (FP). FP has successfully been used in military medicine.

Since September 2014 we have trialed frozen platelets in routine clinical practice.