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Agents DT56a - an ideal phytoSERM for treatment of estrogen deficit

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Extract DT56a is made from fermented soya's beans. It contents standardized mixture of fytoestrogenes.

It works as ideal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) in praeclinical and clinical tests. DT56a in daily dose 644 mg has equal efficacy for acute climacteric syndrom (hot flashes, night sweats, sexual wellbeing) as hormone replacement therapy.

It has possitive influence on vaginal mucouse and osteoblast's function. It improves bone mineral density also in hyperglycaemic situation.

At the same time DT56a has neutral or antiestrogenic (in case of estrogene presence) influence on breast tissue and uterine tissue, no influence on level of estrogene, gonadoliberines, thyroid hormones, lipid metabolism, liver function and blood coagulability.