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On Hallowing Father's Name - through the Sanctification of the Son

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The article is devoted to the interpretation of the first petition of the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name." It shows how it can be perceived in the light of the Old Testament but also introduces the notion of the Church Fathers and medieval authors. In both cases, the petition is interpreted in the way that Father's name is hallowed in us, people, through our sanctification.

The next part of the study points out that it can be only the first person of the Trinity, initiating the paternal relationship with man, who can be active in the sanctification of Father's name. It is realized as he comes into the relationship with man, sinner, through his incarnated Son, mainly in the Easter events.

That is why the first petition of the Lord's Prayer is simultaneously a profession, praise and appeal. The most important fact is that you are our Father; we want it so and ask you to be one.

Please, keep us in the communion of your paternal love for the sake of Jesus Christ, your beloved Son!