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Process for preparing oriented thin layers of hexagonal ferrites



In the present invention, there is disclosed a Process for preparing oriented thin layers of hexagonal ferrites of the type Y on monocrystalline substrates using the deposition method from a liquid phase by making use of sols, precursors based on inorganic salts, salts of organic acids or alkoxides in a suitable solvent, where a germ layer of type M hexagonal ferrite of a defined thickness is applied to the SrTiOi3(111) substrate prior application and crystallization of the type Y hexagonal ferrite layer. This germ layer of type M hexagonal ferrite transforms under the given temperature, time and rate conditions from a continuous layer to a discontinuous layer formed by islands of crystal nature having epitaxial relationship to the substrate structure.

Thanks to chemical similarity of the M ferrite phase and the Y ferrite phase and thanks to the structure similarity of the M ferrite phase and the Y ferrite phase, formation of an oriented layer of type Y hexagonal ferrite is enabled.