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On Johannes Hus' Concept of Education and Instruction

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


In her text, On Johannes Hus' Concept of Education and Instruction, Zuzana Svobodová deals with basic language terms used by J. Hus in connection with the education process.

Fundamental preconditions are also mentioned upon which (according to Hus) men need to be educated. The article lists basic methodology features of Hus' education concept, i.e.

Biblical and Christo-centric foundations (interpreted in a radical manner), expressed by Hus with the help of a frequent reminder: God is the true Educator, i.e. through His Word, which, in the course of time, was revealed to men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Educating humans is - according to Hus - understood to mean care for one's soul.

This represents a service, to which priests are called in a special way. Yet, at the same time, every human being is called to cater for their souls, to educate themselves, the aim of which is praising God and service to others by word and deed.

Hus urges man (as Imago Dei) not to waste their time available for probation and illumination (effected by God's Grace), if a human being - God's servant - is committed to their Master by their humility, endurance, faithfulness, trust, and love.