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Perioperative nursing care of a patient with colorectal carcinoma - robotic resection



The bachelor thesis describes, from the nurse's point of view, the issue of nursing care in a patient undergoing planned intestinal surgery using a robotic system. In the theoretical part describes nursing care processes (preparation of the patient before surgery, nursing care in the operating room and care after surgery).

He points out the principles Modern perioperative ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery). The practical part of the thesis presents a case report of a patient with colorectal carcinoma Operated by Da Vinci's mini-invasive robotic system.

Nursing standard procedures, potential risks of perioperative care, are reported on a specific case And their prevention. The aim of the thesis is to focus on nursing perioperative care for the patient and to prepare and operate the modern sophisticated Da Vinci robotic system.

The methodology is elaborated in the form of casuistic work in the theoretical framework of perioperative care with the mentioned problems. The result is the observance of the correct preventive safety perioperative process, the training of the personnel in the adaptation process and the creation of educational material for perioperative nurses.

The benefit of this work is an educational brochure for nurses that includes nursing procedures in robotic surgery.