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Tourism and Life on Prague cemeteries

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This is contribution in conference for PhD. students on FSV UK. My contribution topic was part of my PhD. thesis (Social life of cemeteries in Prague).

I focused to dark tourism. Dark tourism is phenomenon of last few decades among anthropologists or sociologists.

Dark tourism is about tourist who are fascinated by places connected with death or suffering. Tourist who visits cemeteries are part of this dark tourism.

Prague cemeteries are usually very interesting because you can find there a lot of sculptures by famous sculptors. That is why tourist visits cemeteries as museums and galleries in these days.

In last few years are cemeteries visited because many guided tours are placed on cemeteries. Topics of these guided tours are different - they can be about famous people buried on cemeteries or it can be about architecture of cemetery or about death.

Organizer of these tours are usually Správa pražských hřbitovů, Praha neznámá or association Malostranský hřbitov.