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Four African novel as an Excursion to the Anticolonial Francophone Literatures

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The French language has a rich history in the former African colonies, which were in possession of France, from imposed simplified tongue to a prestigious language. The mastering of this language opened the possibilities of social promotion (better job, studies at French universities and so on).

With the methodical and well-planned establishment of the language of the colonizers came into existence the literature written in French by Sub-Saharan Africans. The books of this provenience started to be published at the beginning of the twenties of the last century.

The first black authors were well-educated Africans, gathered at French universities. They published in France the stories about the cultural oppression in the colonies, about the clash of two different civilizations, Occidental and African, or about the hard-social situation and the miserable life conditions in the colonies.